Monday, 28 November 2011

Thalidomide Drug - [Side-Effects]


Today, we will continue exploring the catastrophic side of the Thalidomide drug.
As mentioned before, in the previous post, thousands of people consuming the Thalidomide drug were left with horrific physical defects. Most of them were deterioriation of nerve cells. Thalidomide blocked the development of any new blood vessels.

But this all, as much as horrible it was, couldn't compare to what happened to the pregnant women consuming that drug. The Thalidomide tragedy mainly affected new born babies; thousands of them were born with terrible defects.


Seeing how Thalidomide can destroy human body, many of you may question me why I created this blog. It's it better to forget entirely about it? The answer is no, because, as surprising as this may sounds, Thalidomide can also bring some benefits. But about the other side of that drug we will discuss very soon.

Until next time,
yours MPN


  1. Thalidomide is a drug used in the treatment of leprosy. In the late 1950s, thalidomide was prescribed to expectant mothers to treat morning sickness, anxiety, and insomnia. A decade later, the Food and Drug Administration took the drug off the market after more than 10,000 babies exposed to thalidomide in the womb were born with severe adverse thalidomide birth defects including serious malformations and limb deformities.

    thalidomide side effects

  2. Thanks for additional information and the website link.
